Python and Ruby are two of the foremost popular new generation programming languages which aredynamically typed, scripting languages with strong support for objected oriented programming architecture and whose implementation is kind of different from that of the reigning programming languages like Java and C. Neither of the new languages have strict syntax or hierarchy and instead specialize in helping developers “do things fast” instead worrying about missed semi-colon or closing curly brace. They’re also widely used for web development with the help of their respective frameworks – Django (Python) and Ruby on Rails. So, while Python and Ruby are in some ways, similar, they’re also rival languages and have some key differences. But first allow us to undergo a fast overview of the two languages.
Ruby was designed by Japanese scientist Yukihiro “Matz” Matsumoto and released in 1995 as a dynamic, reflective, objected oriented general purpose programming language. In other words, the programming language should not be such while programming the most target shouldn’t on what the machine can do, rather it should let the programmer compute the only because of accomplish a task. Ruby’s Principle of Least Astonishment (POLA) reflects the ethos that existing code should cause least confusion to developers thanks to the elegant manner during which it’s written.
Methods defined at the very best level scope become members of the thing class which is that the ancestor of all other classes and are intrinsically visible altogether scopes, serving as global procedure. Ruby’s syntax is somewhat almost like that of Perl and Python but with strong influence of its object-oriented architecture.
Python could also be a general-purpose high-level programming language which is additionally defined as multi-paradigm programming language for its support for object-oriented programming, structured programming, functional programming also as aspect-oriented programming among others. In contrast to Perl and Ruby’s philosophy of “many ways of doing a thing”, Python’s motto ” “There should be one — and preferably only one — obvious because of appear the hay .” could also be an immediate challenge to Perl also as Ruby and factored majorly within the competition between the two new generation languages.
However, what sets Python apart is that the strict layout of the language such even indentation a whitespace are central to the code structure. But Python code is simple to read, almost making it appear as if pseudo-code, so it is easy to seek out for beginners and offers the only readability to experienced programmers.
Popularity of Python over Ruby
While both Python and Ruby had been around for a couple of time, Ruby gained popularity with the arrival of the Ruby on Rails framework in 2005. By the time, Python had already established itself as a programmer-friendly and powerful language and created a definite segment for itself. Python has also garnered a much bigger community of users loyal thereto and an outsized repository of library modules and documentation. While Ruby too has some very dedicated programmers championing for it, the actual fact remains that Python still manages to possess larger community of Python collaborators.
One of the key reasons of Python’s popularity is its language architecture which makes it easier to both write and skim code. Since it is easy to seek out, plenty of beginners are adopting it and schools and colleges are including it as a neighborhood of their syllabus. You can look out 6 weeks industrial training for python in Chandigarh. As readability of code could also be a robust merit of Python, experienced programmers are adopting it too to cut down time in maintaining and upgrading code. From a simple web search it seems apparent that Python is emerging because the more popular language from among the two new generation programming languages.
According to Wikipedia, Python has remained within the highest eight hottest languages since 2008 in TIOBE Programming Community Index indicating that its popularity has been very consistent. In TIOBE Index for July 2015, Python occupies the 5th position while Ruby has been pushed right down to the 15th. It’d thus be safe to conclude that Python is way more popular than Ruby.